17 Association Avenue, off Obanikoro Bus Stop, ILupeju, Lagos. Nigeria.

HumaLyzer 3000


HumaLyzer 3000

Convertible and versatile

Due to its low minimum reaction volume of 250 µL the HumaLyzer 3000 is ideal for small-volume samples like pediatric samples. An external PS2 keyboard allows for a more convenient input of patient data and transfer to LIS eases handling. The photometer can be equipped individually with up to 8 out of 12 different filters.

  • Seamless switchover from flow cell to cuvette measurement
  • Up to 8 out of 12 different wavelengths (nm): 340 / 380 / 405 / 415 / 450 / 492 / 505 / 520 / 545 / 580 / 630 / 700 (bold: factory settings)
  • 40 columns thermal graphics printer

Description REF Size
Disposable macro cuvettes 18052 1,000 pcs.
Flow cell cleaner 18222 100 ml
Thermal printer paper 18909/20 5 pcs.
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